"Recycle Anything Remaining" - Following the Roadmap to 2030 Webinar Series

Past Event

Wednesday November 17, 2021 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EST


Nearly 70% of surplus food is treated as true “waste,” meaning it is either left in the fields after harvest, incinerated, dumped, deposited in the sewer, sent to landfill, or applied to the land. But much of this could have been used for other purposes – in fact, recycling offers one of the largest opportunities for decreasing the amount of waste in our food system. What can be done to ensure we’re finding the highest and best use for any food or scraps that remain?


Alejandro Enamorado

Capital, Innovation, & Engagement Manager

Nora Goldstein


Abhijeet Borole

Co-Founder & President

Justin Kamine

Co-Founder & Co-CEO

Lor Holmes

Co-Founder & Co-CEO

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